Victorious Living By Faith (Pt 1)
As believers, it is important that we understand that we are not looking for victory for we have it already through our redemption to Christ. By the virtue of being a believer, you are meant to be victorious. Even with this revelation, so many people, believers inclusive, have wondered why many people still struggle to enjoy victorious living.
In this article, we will share with you the top questions that has been raised with regards to living victoriously by faith:
- Why do many people fail to enjoy victorious living even after they become believers?
Answer: Our faith lifestyle is what determines to which extent a man enjoys victorious living. Everyone has been given victorious living but you can only harness it through the currency of faith. Let’s take a look at this example…money in your bank is yours but you can only get the value of that money by withdrawing it. If you don’t harness the withdrawal, you will be living like someone who doesn’t have money.
- It is good to worship and give thanks to God to have our needs met. What does one do when he/she worships and gives thanks but still sees no result?
Answer: As important as it is for us to worship God, we can only see results in our lives when we worship God with understanding. Some people worship God with “head knowledge” and that is never enough to lead a victorious life by faith.
- In life, not everyone has the same background. Is it possible to say that overwhelming challenges, circumstances or background can be an excuse or the reason why a person is not able to enjoy victorious living?
Answer: The book of Mark 11:23 gives an illustration of what seemed to be an impossible situation. Yet with faith, Jesus made understand that our faith can move mountains. In essence, no situation in life can ever be greater than your faith. You just have to speak those words and when you do, believe them. Do not speak until you believe. Always know that you will only get to the limit of what you believe.
The bible lets us know that having done all to stand, that we should STAND. In the part 2 of this article, you will find more questions with answers that can build your faith to help you enjoy victorious living.